Acne is an impermanent problem experienced by most people especially for teenagers. This can simply be fixed by implementing some medication and changing a few bad habits. Several of these natural acne resolutions include drinking enough water, cleaning your face, using honey in washing your face, eating healthier foods, cleaning your personal things that you directly use in your face (towels, pillow cases, handkerchief, etc), using approved/safe over the counter acne solution products.
Drinking an adequate amount of water will facilitate to wash your system from damaging toxins that can result to acne problems. Numerous studies proved that it is advisable to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. This will maintain your skin hydrated and avoid it from dryness.
Washing your face two times a day will maintain your pores clear of any dust, dirt and germs. Soaps not containing benzoyl are the best soap to use in washing your face once in the morning and once in the evening. Make certain to dry your face with clean towel after washing. You may also use honey in your face, since honey have antibacterial component that can get rid of some of the acne bacteria.
Eating healthier foods will help your body to have all the minerals and vitamins that your skin needs to remain healthy. As much as possible do not eat oily and fatty foods because it will have a tendency to worsen the acne.
Clean your personal things especially your towel, handkerchief, and pillow cases that you directly use in your face. Make certain to wash towel, handkerchief and pillow cases with detergent that do not have fragrance and dye.
You may also use over the counter acne solution to help get rid of acne. But be sure that you will buy products that are safe and approved. Do not buy cheap products that will eventually make your acne worse. Do not waste your money buying cheap acne solutions that will not work for you. It is better to buy an expensive but safe product because you should always remember that safety first before anything else.
By following all the tips discussed above, you will be on your way to for a healthy, clean, clear and youthful looking skin.